
جراحی فیستول آنال
Learn More About VAAFT Fistula Surgery Since the day that perianal fistula disease is known, surgeons have been trying to treat the disease without damaging the anal sphincters that control the stool. However, the nature of the disease and its spread to the anatomical areas around the anus, which is not easy to identify, have caused recurrence of the disease and in most cases led surgeons to treat fistula using more sphincter discontinuation methods.
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دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Rubber band or plastic band are small rubber rings that are thrown into the hemorrhoid hemorrhoid tissue by means of a special device, which directly reduces hemorrhoidal bleeding and necrosis (black) hemorrhage. It is eliminated and eventually the bleeding stops. How to do hemorrhoids
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Proctoscopy or seeing rectum is one of the tools for diagnosis in colorectal disease. In a proctoscopy with a proctoscope equipped with a high-quality cold-blooded camera, using the air blowing into the rectum (rectum), full vision of the rectum is created and can be measured accurately to a distance of 25 cm from the rectum and the colon. And if necessary biopsy (sampling).
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Laparoscopy in Colon and Rectal Surgery Following the large Cost study released in May, a major step was taken in colorectal surgery.  The result of this study proved that laparoscopic colon surgery is technically more difficult but its therapeutic role in colon cancer is not different from open surgery.  Laparoscopic surgery, in turn, has far fewer side effects than open surgery, including less postoperative pain as well as less wound infection and respiratory infections in laparoscopic surgery.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

One of the diagnostic tools for anal and rectal and pelvic floor diseases is the use of endo-anal (intra-rectal) and endo-rectal (intra-rectal) ultrasound.  With a 2-degree probe, it can deliver 2-degree images of the anus and its surrounding tissues for accurate diagnosis.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Patients who have recently been diagnosed with colorectal cancer (colon or rectum) usually have many uncertainties about cancer treatment, surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and they appear to be due to lack of time or lack of guidance.  They do not get enough information about the treatment and prognosis stages and inevitably find incomplete and confusing information from those around them or the Internet.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Endometriosis is a possible disease in women and is caused by the passage of uterine tissue outside the uterus into the pelvic cavity, ovaries or sometimes the abdominal wall.  Sometimes endometriosis causes other organs, such as the intestine, ureter, and even the bladder, which can cause complications.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Hemorrhoid treatments are as wide as previously mentioned and can be used depending on each stage of treatment for hemorrhoids.  Each of which has side effects that may affect the quality of treatment.  In our HAL-RAR Hemorrhoid Surgery article, we will give a full explanation of the new hemorrhoid therapy.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

Pilonidal cyst, also called hair cyst, is one of the most common diseases at a young age that causes pain, purulent discharge and blood in the buttock and at the bottom of the poor spine.
Picture of دکتر حسین یوسف فام
دکتر حسین یوسف فام

5 سال ago

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